Saturday, September 22, 2012

Intelligence Test

I have completed 2 intelligence tests about myself. I wasn't expecting to learn so much about me from these. But, in fact, I learned a lot! On the Gardner Multiple Intelligence Test, I have learned a lot! I have found that one to be more helpful than the Anthony Gregorc Learning Styles Test. After, I have completed the Gardner Test, I flipped it to see the results. I have great abilities in Logical-Mathematical skills because I scored a 4 on that section. It actually does make a lot of sense because the subject I am the best at is Math. I can do quick math problems in my head and I also love to work with calculators and computers. I love to experiment, do puzzles, and calculate! So, this all fits and says that I am really good at Logical-Mathematic skills. I am the second best at Music skills because I scored a 3 on it I never actually realized how much I love music. This showed me and made me realize that I actually love music a lot! Music actually means a lot to me. Sometimes, it gets me chilled out and relaxed. I always hum along to songs, and listen to music. Also, I have pretty average abilities in Body-Kinesthetic. I do love to dance, even though I haven't learned so much. It seems interesting to me. But, I am not really involved in dance. I don't really jump around a lot either. I don't have good skills in Linguistic and Spatial skills because I scored 1 in both of those. In linguistic, I do love to read. I read books all the time! But, I am not a big fan of writing. I am not very imaginative to tell stories either. Sometimes, I play word games, but not often. In spatial skills, I like doodling and drawing, but I am not very artistic. I have good abilities in Inter and Intra Personal skills even though I scored 1. Interpersonal: I don't really like leading a lot. I like partying sometimes. Intrapersonal: This actually describes a little more than the previous one. I am actually pretty quiet and shy. I also like setting goals. I don't like staying alone so much, but sometimes is okay. So by this information, you can probably tell that I have learned a lot about myself! It is actually a pretty good test!

Now for the Gregorc Test! If I had to choose between Concrete Sequential, Abstract Random, Concrete Random, or Abstract Sequential, I would choose either Concrete or Abstract Sequential. Concrete sequential is more about academics, and so is abstract sequential. Concrete is being organized and accurate. Honestly, I think I am pretty organized and accurate about a lot of things. I also love to work with computers and do hands-on experiments. Abstract take academics a little further. It is more about writing essays, and being academic and logical. Reading is a big interest of mine. Actually, now that I have gone through all of them, I think Concrete Sequential might fit me more. The Gregorc Test helped understand myself better, but not as much the other one. So I think that the Gardner was more helpful.

Overall, these test are really helpful and fun!

3 people I admire are Picasso, Beethoven, and Alexander Graham Bell. I think Picasso would be spatial because of his artistic talents. Drawing, doodling, and visualizing fit his personality. He has a good imagination. Beethoven would be musical because of his popularity for music. He was one of the top composers of all time. His music was excellent! Bell would have had Logical-Mathematical skills because he was really smart. He was intelligent enough to create telephones. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have these phone right now. He was always experimenting and calculating. That's how he got to this stage of making a wonderful and helpful device for people! 

Commented on Erin's and Vaishu's


  1. Usha, just like you, I am musical. I guess it makes sense because almost everyday on the bus, we listen to music together and sing aloud. (Well at least I do.) I can see you being logical-mathematical because yes you are very amazing in math and think reasonably, unlike me. Anyway, I guess we have somethings in common.

  2. I am also storng in Logical-Mathematics and music. I also am a Concrete Random like you.

  3. I also have a logical-mathematical learning style
