Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ups, Downs, Myths, & Truths of Being Gifted

   There are a few ups and downs to being gifted. Like most people think, we aren't the smartest in the world. At the same time, we aren't so dumb either.

    To start off, being gifted can come in great handy! For example, you will get college credit. This helps you out during college and gives good responses about them. Next, they also get +7 GPA. It will help out a lot! Being gifted also makes your parents and teachers feel proud of you. By that, it also makes you feel  proud of yourself, which you should be. You also will be recognized for being smart. Many people will encourage and compliment talented students for going to gifted classes. You will feel extra special. Additionally, you will zoom through the lessons at school. It will be really easy for you. So, you should definitely take this as an advantage. I am very glad to be one of the very rare gifted people in this world!
   At the same time time, there are also a few downs to this. So, don't take complete advantage of it! For example, there is a high chance that you will be made fun of. You  might be called "names" like nerdy. Many peers might be jealous of you and may even be rude to you. So, that would be a big defect to being gifted. You might not have education problems, but will face some social problems! Also, you will be pressured by your parents. They will pressure you to do more work. Speaking of more work, peers, teachers, and parents will be expecting more of you. They will expect you to reach their expectations. Another disadvantage is that you might think that it is completely great that you will zoom through the lessons. Yes, it is partly good. But, other people might be stuck on the lesson. So, it might get boring for gifted people to keep listening to the same lesson over and over again.

   Many truths and myths exist about being gifted. For example, let's start off with the myths . Many rumours are spread saying that there is more to gifted people than being gifted. They think that you excel in everything and you know everything that possibly exists. But, that's not true. We know a little more than others, but not everything. Also, a lot of people think that we get perfect grades and 100's all the time. But, that's not true. We might get A's, but not 100's all the time.Others also think that you get tons and tons of homework. But, in fact, in this gifted class, you barely get any. But, even in other gifted classes, you don't get any more homework than the others do. So, you should understand by now that many rumours go around about gifted students.
   Now, let's move on to the truths. What's actually true, is many gifted students dumb their selves down just to fit in with others. They shouldn't do that. They are losing their specialty. They are losing the uniqueness. Be who you are. There isn't anything wrong with that. Gifted students, us, have different thinking than others. We think more clearly. We think more complicated. It is easier for us to think of some clever ideas. Also, some gifted students get really frustrated if they get a grade less than an A on their work, quizzes, tests, etc. They are determined to get an A. Their mind is set on that, so they can easily get upset. It is also very true that many of us don't have our social or emotional development as high as our intellectual development. We can still be gifted, even if we are very sensitive. So, these are just a few truths!

So, hope you have learned more about being gifted!

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