Friday, October 12, 2012


What is the purpose of grades?

The purpose of grades is to assess your abilities. It shows students how well they have performed and understood the recently learned concepts. It also shows how well they have been listening and paying attention. It not only shows us, but also our teachers as to where we need more assistance.

My opinion on the current grading system is that it seems fine to me. 100 as the maximum is a good idea because it makes it easier for grading. The letters idea is also pretty good. It helps you understand a little better as to what kind of grade you exactly grade. It helps you understand a little more as to what your strengths and weaknesses are.

I don't think that the current grading system shows your accurate knowledge and learning. It is fine, but there are still some places for improvement. For example, it depends on the teacher sometimes. Multiple choice gives accurate answers about a student's knowledge because it clearly shows how much they learned. Short answers are also okay. But, when it comes to writing prompts or essays, it depends on how a teacher interprets it. They might understand the question differently or the rubric.Also, grades don't always seem fair to me. For example, you might have failed at one subject in math, but you are really good at math in general. So, when they check your grades, they might put you in extra help math classes the next year, even though you already know what they are teaching you. In this world of education,  grades are everything. They tell you what classes you need to go to, what college you will get into, and a lot more!

In conclusion, I think that the grades should be a combination of both the current grading system and the standards-base grading system. It would help students more. They could use the current grading system for some assignments, and standard-based for certain other kinds of assignments.

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