Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year's Resolution & Reflection

I don't think I learned much about myself last year. I don't think I learned anything at all about myself. But, I had learned a lot about the world and kept track of all the news: Shootings (connecticut), elections, sandy, etc. About life, I have learned to live your life to the fullest and live each day like it's your last day. Also, I am pretty sure I learned a lot more, but, I can't think all the way back. Oh, and one more thing I learned about myself: I'm not as quiet as I think I am!

Personally, I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. Why? Well, there is no point to them. Each and everyday is different. You don't know what will be coming up. So, you may want to change your "resolution." In fact, you may have a goal for each month...or week....or even day! So, resolutions can be set up any time. If you have a goal, you don't have to wait for the next year. At the same time, you don't have to complete it very early. You should just set the goal and complete it when you feel is the best time. You don't need a certain time to set a goal. So, as you can tell, I am against New Year's resolutions.

Last year was average. I didn't think it was awesome nor did I think it was terrible. It was an okay year. Hoping 2013 will be better! Happy New Year!

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